Zen Intergalactic Ninja music cover


I am a bit busy here with my recently released game. A week ago I put my music cover on youtube for the NES game.

If you played Zen Intergalactic Ninja you probably know it has pretty good music. Just as most of Konami games do have.

So here it is, check it out. And also screenshots of original game that let you remember if you played it long ago.

Oh and in case you wonder. Yes It’s a same piece looped 3 times. I wanted to work more with it and make more variations. But just had no time for it. So it was gathering dust for 2 years and I think I’d better upload as is!

zen intergalactic ninja nes screenshot toxic factory zen intergalactic ninja nes screenshot acid rain forest zen intergalactic ninja nes screenshot side oil rig stage zen intergalactic ninja nes screenshot high speed railway

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